The Tales and Travels of Taylor Made PA – Is Your Business Christmas Ready?
First Published 06.12.2019
Is your business Christmas ready?
As a Small Business owner does the Christmas Holiday Period fill you with dread?
Do you struggle to make time to spend quality time with friends and family? Which may be especially important this year, in a year when seeing loved ones hasn’t always been an option.
Or do you use the time to prepare your Business for the new year ahead or even prepare your tax return?
Do you have a plan in place?
Does your business model even allow you to take a day away from business to spend time doing what you love or with those you love?
And if you do plan to take time off, do you have plans in place as to how your business will run?
- Will you close up for Business completely?
- Is your Social Media scheduled to maintain consistency?
- Will you keep check for urgent Emails?
- Do you have a list of emergency numbers available?
Even if your business isn’t ready for permanent virtual business support, why not consider working with a Virtual PA just over the holiday period and let someone else check and manage your Emails* and maintain your Social Media Presence.
How a Virtual Assistant can support your Business at Christmas
A Virtual PA can help you prepare for Christmas in a number of ways. Tasks like;
- Email your database with your Christmas closures and opening times
- Help send your Christmas cards – both for your Business and your Family
- Source gifts for your Customers and Staff
- Source gifts for your Family and Friends
- Wrap your Gifts!
Do you want to know more?
Or maybe you need help in getting your Business Christmas Ready?
For information on all the services Taylor Made PA can offer contact me.
Then Email me – jules@taylormadepa.co.uk – and let me help you find the 25th hour in the day.
Until next time!
Jules x
*Excludes Weekend and Public Holidays unless agreed otherwise